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Transparency and racial equity in the public sector

The Movimento Pessoas à Frente (People Ahead Movement) has dedicated efforts to generating data and insights to enhance our understanding of leadership management in the public sector. This initiative involves a diverse group of experts, congress members, members of federal and state authorities, trade unions, and the third sector, all working together to create a more effective government through strategic people management. A notable contribution was the DataFolha survey, which gauged the Brazilian public's views on those employed in public service.

Main findings:

  • 90% of respondents believe that increasing the number of women in public service would lead to improvements, while 82% feel the same about enhancing racial diversity.
  • 71% would feel more confident if the people in significant positions were more relatable to them.
  • 84% agree that more highly qualified government personnel positively impact their lives.
  • 56% believe that few or no civil servants reflect the country’s diversity or understand the challenges of the population over which they govern.
  • 86% deem actions to promote gender equality in the public service necessary, and 89% support measures to advance racial diversity.

The Movement drafted a document featuring 27 recommendations for promoting ethnic-racial equity in the public sector, developed with contributions from 46 experts, public managers, representatives of civil society, and technical support from Mahin Consultoria Antirracista.