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Criança Alfabetizada

In June 2023, the Federal Government launched the National Commitment to Literate Children (Compromisso Nacional Criança Alfabetizada), solidifying its pledge to ensure literacy for all Brazilian children by the end of 2nd grade — an objective already realized in 17 states through the Collaborative Literacy Program (PARC).

This Commitment secures both financial investment and technical support from the Federal Government, broadening the literacy initiative to include all 26 states and Brasília. It also focuses on learning recovery for children in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades who have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.

The The Alfabetiza Brasil survey, conducted in April 2023 by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP), revealed that only 43% of children in the second grade were literate in 2021, a steep decline from 2019, when 60% of children achieved literacy. Furthermore, this survey established a clear definition of literacy for children at the end of the second grade, which is vital for addressing our literacy challenges. This precise definition is intended to guide the federal government, states, and municipalities in crafting, executing, and refining literacy policies with more precise diagnostics and objectives.