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Education and traditional knowledge as socio-environmental foundations

The Plantar program, developed by Motriz — a joint venture between Instituto Gesto and Vetor Brasil — with our support and in collaboration with municipal education departments, champions a revolutionary educational model centered on the Amazon region. Designed for the holistic development of students, this model promotes sustainable practices and values cultural diversity and traditional knowledge.

In 2023, we conducted a survey of 14,000 students who live in the Amazon from 6th to 9th grades to gauge their understanding, practices, and attitudes concerning the rainforest:

of students do not recognize the environmental challenges in their surroundings or feel incapable of contributing to their resolution.
of students feel they need to leave the Amazon to fulfill their professional aspirations.

Additionally, we implemented pilot projects that focus on bridging the gap between the school environment and the forest that take into account the students' professional ambitions and the local context.

Forest Classrooms (Salas Florestais)

This project leveraged agroforestry systems as an educational setting, connecting students to their local environments and promoting sustainable livelihoods through both teaching and learning. Seven rural schools were involved, and 18 teachers received training on how to effectively utilize this educational resource.

Guardians of the Forest (Guardião da Floresta)

Focusing on empowering youth, 30 teachers and educational technicians were trained to become agents of environmental change along with 64 elementary school students. Sixteen rural schools and riverside communities were actively engaged in this initiative.

Bioeconomics and Curriculum (Bioeconomia e Currículo)

This initiative engaged 221 students in workshops to help them identify ways to link their professional goals with sustainable economic opportunities in their regions. The objective was to tailor educational policies to enhance students' interest in pursuing sustainable careers.