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Expansion of the Collaborative Literacy Program (PARC)

The Collaborative Literacy Program (Parceria pela Alfabetização em Regime de Colaboração – PARC) has successfully expanded to 17 states, now encompassing 68 of first- and second-grade public school enrollments across Brazil. Drawing inspiration from the state of Ceará's internationally acclaimed management model, PARC collaborates with state governments to develop literacy policies designed to get children reading at the right age. This initiative supports students in kindergarten, first, and second grades.

In 2023, 14 out of the 17 states involved with PARC launched their own state literacy programs and conducted reading fluency assessments throughout the year. Among the eight states that have performed these assessments consecutively for the last two editions, there was a marked improvement— a remarkable 15-percentage-point increase in the number of children reading fluently in 2023 compared to 2022.

A standout example is Espírito Santo, where significant strides were made, with 73% of students achieving a proficient level of reading fluency -- more than doubling the rate from just two years earlier. The state’s municipal standout was the city of Nova Venécia distinguishing itself, with 91.3% of students attaining a proficient level of fluency.