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Developing a diverse cohort of future leaders

In 2023, we facilitated meetings with organizations that provide development programs for young leaders. These gatherings included representatives from the Lemann Center for Leadership and Equity in Education, Ensina Brasil, Fundação Estudar, Gerando Falcões, Instituto Four, Instituto Rainhas, Legisla Brasil e Motriz (a joint venture between Instituto Gesto and Vetor Brasil). The objective was to discuss challenges, enhance strategies for participant development, and strengthen alumni networks from these programs.

We are also committed to increasing Black representation in the leadership programs we support. In collaboration with Motriz, we established a racial literacy track specifically for managers in the Public Management and Residency Trainee Program (Programa de Trainee de Gestão Pública e Residências), which concluded the year by supporting over 100 trainees across 21 regions of the country. Additionally, we assisted in trainingf Black leaders in the public sector through the Ubuntu Program.