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Racial equity in education

The Alliance for Literacy (Aliança pela Alfabetização) has advanced its focus on Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations through four key strategies: communication, racial literacy, advocacy, and territorial action. As an integral part of the Collaborative Literacy Program (Parceria pela Alfabetização em Regime de Colaboração – PARC), led by Associação Bem Comum, the Alliance has fortified collaboration between states and municipalities to tailor specific educational solutions at both state and local levels.

A notable initiative is the Anti-Racist Education Program (Programa Educação Antirracista) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which, still in its pilot phase, has been pivotal in promoting racial equity actions and incorporating the southern state’s unique Afro-Gaúcha culture into the educational curriculum. This program encourages educators to integrate African and Indigenous references across all knowledge areas.